As you can see in the picture above, "Roger the Dog" won in both classes! Before posting, please make sure your bracket is updated.
Now that you have read through all of the poems and chosen a winner to advance to the Elite 8, the pressure has mounted. Read the winners of Game 5 and Game 7.
Choose your winner based on the following criteria:
- Which poem's meaning is more important to you?
- What personal connection can you make?
- Which poet's craft do you enjoy more? Be sure to give examples.
- Poet's craft can include: repetition, imagery, personification, rhyme, alliteration, couplets, onomatopoeia, simile/metaphor, etc
Here is an example of a proficient blog post:
I chose “The Falling Star” as my favorite poem because I thought it had a deeper meaning. For example, I liked how it was about a special moment and you should not waste it. I try to enjoy the special moments I have with my grandparents when they come to visit.
I also liked this poem because I can make a connection. I really enjoy watching beautiful stars, too. I have fun looking at the stars at the beach with my family.
Finally, I really liked this poem because it had poet's craft. For example, it had a rhyme scheme AABBCC. Also, the author used couplets in the poem. For example, "I saw a star slide down the sky. Blinding the north as it went by." I enjoyed the writer’s craft in this poem.
This is why I chose The Falling Star as my favorite poem.