Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Poetry Madness: Let the Games Begin!

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During March, the best college basketball teams compete for the National Title. In order to be the best, each team must state their case by playing the best, scoring the most, and ultimately advancing to the next round.

To create a sense of poetry madness in our room and celebrate poetry, we will read two poems each evening and advance a class winner the following day. However, like the basketball tournament, we must use specific criteria to judge a poem: meaning, poet's craft (rhyme, line breaks, punctuation, simile/metaphor, word choice, repetition), ability to visualize, and your personal connection.

You will answer the following 3 questions about the poems you have read.

1. What is the meaning of the first poem? (Summarize in one-two sentences)

2. What is the meaning of the second poem? (Summarize in one-two sentences)
3. Based on the criteria, which poem did you choose and WHY? ***Please tell me everything you think, but use your best writing.

You will complete Game 1 in class.  Please read Game 1 (Dust of Snow and Mother to Son), choose your favorite, and leave your comment below.  I left an example in the comment section.

Here is an example of an advanced/proficient post:
The first poem, “Being Brave at Night,” is about a child whose imagination runs away from then at night and is scared.  

The second poem, “Wind on the Hill,” is about a child thinking about the wind and where it comes from.  You cannot see it but see the results of it. 

I chose “Wind on the Hill” as the winner because I like the imagery of the poem.  I like the picture of the kite in the wind and knowing using that as a measure for knowing where the wind has been.  I also enjoyed the way the 2nd and 4th lines of each stanza rhymed. It made the poem fun to read. 


  1. "Dust of Snow," is about someone who has a good feeling in them when it snows.
    "Mother to Son," is about a mother telling her son that life isn't perfect.
    My favorite is the poem called, "Mother to Son," because it paints a picture in my mind. It is also very true, and it is easy to understand. I also like it because it has rhythm.

  2. The poem, "Dust of Snow," is about winter and how it is all snowy and joyful.

    The poem, "Mother to Son," is about someone how has a hard life and is still climbing.

    I like the poem, "Dust of Snow," poem the best because I like the emotion put into it, the vocabulary, and the rhyming stanzas.
    Mason W.

  3. The first poem, " Mother To Son," is about a mother who is telling her son that life is not always easy, and that you have to never give up.
    The second poem, " Dust Of Snow," is about a crow who shook down a dust of snow off a tree onto a someone, and it put him in a good mood.
    I think the first poem, " Mother To Son," should be the winner because it teaches you that your life won't always be easy, and that some things don't come easily in life.
    -Anna Byrns

  4. "Dust of Snow" is about changing your mood when your sad.

    "Mother to Son" is about Mom giving advice to her son. She is saying that life is hard but to keep trying.

    I chose "Dust of Snow" as the winner because you can see the pictures in your mind.

  5. The first poem, "Dust of snow" is about a crow throwing snow off a tree on to a man. "Mother to son" is about how the mom did not grow up wealthy and how she had a hard life. I prefer "dust of snow" because it was not as sad and that the crow threw snow on the man. Chase

  6. "Dust of Snow" is about someone who becomes sad, to really happy because dust from snow fell on him. The person said that it changed his whole day.
    " Mother To Son" is about a mother telling her son that life is not always going to go his way and how to handle it. The mother talked about how her childhood was like that and he should be prepared.
    I like "Dust of Snow" better because rhymes and it had a better mood to it. It also gives the reader a hard word to think about.
    -KATE L

  7. "Mother to Son" is about a person who seen life and is telling you always keep going.

    "Dust f Snow" is about a person who was in a bad mood but got snow on him and now is in a good mood.

    I think "Dust of snow" is better. you can see that he is under the hemlock tree. Also, you know that the snow falls on him.

  8. "Dust of Snow" is about a kid who has had a bad day.Then a drop of snow fell on him, and he felt better.

    "Mother to Son" is about how this kid's mom is telling (her or he)
    that life has not been easy.

    I chose "Mother to Son" because it uses a bunch of country words and has a good message. -Mary Windham

  9. "Dust of snow" is about a man that is having a bad day ,and he has a little bit of snow fall down on him,and it makes him feel better.
    "Mother to Son" is about a mother talking to her son about how life is hard but you have to keep going.
    I chose dust of snow" as the winner because I like the imagery and how it rhymes.

  10. ''Dust of Snow'', is about how a crow changed the mood and feelings of the author. Also, it is about how he regrets doing something in his life. ''Mother to Son'', is about how life for the author was not so good. Also, don't go back to the past keep your head up. My favorite was ''Mother to Son'',because it gives you a good life leson. For example, keep going and don't care of what other people think of you. I also think this is my favorite because this poem is really true.

  11. The first poem,"Dust of Snow," is about how a snowy day has saved someones day. The second poem, "Mother to Son," is about a mom who is telling her son how bad her life used to be and that she is pushing through. I chose "Mother to Son" as the winner because I like the way the mother is describing how her life leading up to this has been.


  12. "Dust of Snow" means that this person the was having a bad day and when he got out in nature felt better. "Mother to Son" means that sometimes life is not so perfect it has hard times too. I like "Mother to Son" better because it teaches you a life lesson that no ones perfect.

    Lizzie B.

  13. Dust of Snow is about a boy/girl who was walking and some snow fell on him/her,and it changed the mood she/he had. Mother to Son is about a mother telling her son that she has had a hard that,but it will get better. I liked Mother to Son better because it teaches a lesson that it will always get better. -Sarah Fox

  14. "Dust of snow" is about a boy who loves the snow.

    "Mother to son" is about a mom who was teaching her son life lessons.

    I like "Dust of snow"because snow makes me happy.I think the writeing blends well

    Will R

  15. -Livi Cox "Dust Of Snow" is about a man that is not very happy but know when the snow falls he is a lot more happy. " Mother And Son" is about how it is not to easey all the time. And how it is pretty hard somtimes in life. I like Dust Of Snow, because I like all of the man had happy thoughts when the snow started to come down.

  16. I think "Mother to Son" is about a mother telling her son how hard life is but also how great it is. I think "Dust of Snow" is about a man who was feeling blue then a crow shook a tree and snow fell on him and then he was happy. My favorite was "Dust of Snow" because it had the most detail.

    from the words of Liam

  17. "Mother to Son" is about how a mom talking to her son about how there are troubles in life but you still have to keep going."A Dust Of Snow" is about a boy who was sad, but when the snow fell on him it changed his mood. My favorite was "Mother to Son". I liked it because it was longer and told more of a story.I also liked it because of how it rymed. -Georgia

  18. The first poem,"Dust of Snow", was about a man who felt one way then, snow fell on him and he felt a different way. The second poem "Mother to son", was about a mom who explains how bad her life is. I liked" Mother to son" more because it made more sense and it was more interesting.CARSON NEUMANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Dust of snow is about building your self back up. Mother to son is about a mom telling her son keep going. I liked dust of snow the most
    From the mouth of Holt

  20. "Mother to son" about a mom telling their son to never give.

    "Dust of snow" is about a person in a bad mood but he gets hit by snow so he is in a good mood.

    "Dust of snow" is better because he gets hit by snow.

  21. "Dust of Snow" is about someone who is sad. Then snow falls on him and he gets happy.
    "Mother to Son" is about a mom telling their son that life is adventure and its not just going to be smooth sailing.

    I think "Mother to Son" is better because it sounds like a actual poem, and it uses figurative language.


  22. "Mother to Son" is about a kid and his mom that talking about how life is hard and never give up. "Dust of Snow" is about a man having a bad day and has a little bit of snow fall on him and he feels better. I like Mother to Son because it teaches you to never give up even if you have a bad day. Jack

  23. I think "Dust of Snow" is about a person who was having a bad day and then his day got better.I think "Mother to Son" was about how a mom's life is hard but her kid should never give up. I like "Mother to Son" because it was meaningful, and it paints a picture in your mind. -Tilly

  24. " Dust of snow" is about someone describing to them how it feels when it snows.

    " Mother to Son" is about a mother telling her son that life is never going close to perfect.

    I liked " Mother to Son " better because it painted a picture in my head more, I liked the story and lesson it was telling, and the rhymes.


  25. Dust of snow is about is about someone taking a walk in the wintertime and they are hit by some snow falling off of a hemlock tree
    Mother to son is about a mother telling her son that not everything about life is perfect

    I like Mother to son better because it is true not everything about life is going to be perfect

  26. "Dust of Snow" is about a person noticing it snowed.

    "Mother to Son" is about a mom telling her son life isn't always going to be good.

    I like "Dust of Snow" because I like snow. I also liked the rhyming.
    -Henry S.

  27. The poem, "Dust of Snow," is about a guy that is having a bad day. He gets snow that falls on him and he feels better. "Mother To Son," is about a mother saying that her life is hard and it is as hard as the kids life. I liked the "Mother To Son,"poem best because the mom is teaching the son a leson. Henry W.

  28. Mother to son is about a mother telling her son that life not easy and there are rough times. Dust of snow is about a guy having a bad day then someone changed his mood. I think the winner is Dust of snow. it ryhmes and is easy to imagine.

  29. The first poem, "Mother to Son," is about how life is hard, really tough, there are going to be challenges in your life, but you have to push through.

    The second poem, "mother to Son" is about being in a bad mood. Snow falls on his head, and he realizes there is better things to do than than be grumpy, so you should go explore the world while you can.

    I like "dust of snow" because I feel like it really touched me, and I understand it. Also, I could picture him being grumpy then the snow falling on his head then becoming happy.


  30. the poem,"Dust of Snow", is about a boy/girl that is very mad until he/she gets snow dumped on he/shes head by a crow.

    The poem,"Mother to Son", is about a mom who is telling her son life is hard, but you have to keep trying.

    The poem "Dust of Snow", is my favorite because it is short and simple, and because it rhymes. Also because I love snow days.

    -Hayes K

  31. "Dust of Snow" is about how it's not good to be sad and you will regret it. "Mother to Son", is about a mother telling her son that life is hard. I cose "Dust of Snow" because it's easier to do read rhymes.

  32. "Mother to son" is about his mom telling him that life is so hard, but she always has her son's back."Dust of Snow" is about someone making bad decisions and bad thing coming. I the winner is "Dust of Snow" because I can understand more.

  33. The first poem, "Dust of Snow," is about a dusting of snow, a tree, a shaking crow, and a change of mood.
    The second poem, "Mother to Son," is about a staircase in need of repair.
    I prefer "Mother to Son" because I can understand it, and it has good rhymes.

